
Export of Iranian saffron from Iran to Dubai

Saffron or zafran is a precious and valuable spice that has been used in cooking, medicine and cosmetics for thousands of years. Iran is the largest producer and exporter of saffron in the world, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of its most important markets. In this article, we will examine how to export Iranian saffron to Dubai and other cities in the UAE.

Iranian saffron

Iran has a long history of saffron production and its spice is an important part of the culture and economy of this country. Iranian saffron is known for its high quality, pungent color and unique taste, and it has attracted the attention of buyers all over the world.

Saffron is cultivated in several regions of Iran, including Khorasan, Kermanshah and Fars. Harvesting and processing saffron is a laborious process that requires careful attention to detail. Saffron flowers are picked by hand and the stigmas are carefully separated and dried. About 200,000 flowers are needed to produce just one kilogram of saffron.

Export of saffron to UAE

Emirates is the main market for Iranian saffron and Dubai is one of the busiest commercial centers in the region. Iran has a strong economic relationship with the UAE and saffron is one of the key products exported from Iran to Dubai and other cities in the country.

There are different ways to export Iranian saffron to the UAE. One of the most common methods is air transportation. Saffron is carefully packed and transported by plane to Dubai and other cities. It is then sold to local distributors and retailers who sell it to customers in the UAE and other countries in the region.

Another way to export Iranian saffron to the UAE is by land. There are several border crossings between Iran and UAE and trucks carrying saffron can cross the border at these points. Then saffron is transported by truck to Dubai and other cities.

Economic effect

The export of saffron from Iran to the UAE has a significant economic impact for both countries. Saffron is one of the most important non-oil exports of Iran and is a significant source of income for farmers and traders. The UAE is an important trading partner for Iran, and importing saffron helps support the country’s economy.

Saffron in the United Arab Emirates is a valuable commodity that is used in various industries including cooking, cosmetics, and medicine. It is also an important part of the country’s culture and is often used in traditional dishes and celebrations.


Exporting Iranian saffron from Iran to Dubai and other UAE cities is an important economic activity that benefits both countries. Iranian saffron is a valuable and very valuable spice that is of interest to buyers all over the world, and the UAE is one of its most important markets. Trade relations between Iran and the UAE are strong, and the export of saffron is one of the key products exchanged between the two countries.